. i didn’t sleep very well yesterday…

. another rejection letter arrived. it was sadder than usual since it was a company i really liked. an international environment with a chance to improve Finnish, and my qualifications seemed to fit well, so i thought i would be able to contribute to the team… but well, if they thought we wouldn’t be a good match, what can i do 🙂

i also created an account on Elance. if offline doesn’t work out, let’s see if online does. clearly from the first glance, there are companies i want to apply to and some don’t appear very professional or trustworthy. it usually seems that companies have the upper hands, but i think it should be both ways. only when the company is worth working for, the employees would perform their best.

. unexpectedly, the snow was falling, quietly… it was the end for a chain of gloomy days – no sunshine, no snow, just a heavy layer of gray cloud. gradually i realized why people said November is the gloomiest month of the year. it’s okay. i still love you, dear.

