
. With the score of 85/100, today I’ve received the Statement of Accomplishment for Social Psychology course on Coursera.

. Since I didn’t win a giveaway from Oh Comely previously, they offered me 10% discount on past issues and subscription. How tempting.

. I’m tired of complicated and sad words. I need gentle and warm ones, the kind that makes me want to run on a field of grass.

. I cried in my dream last night, then I woke up and continued crying. I fell asleep shortly after, feeling the teardrops rolling down my face. Then finally I understood. I wasn’t afraid of falling in love. I was scared of the pain when the person left. Love was an illusion and short-lived. Doesn’t matter who it is, choose someone who’s worth being in pain for.


There's no yellow leaves left on the tree in front of my windows. This person who wore a blue hoodie with a green bicycle, reminded me of a person. Some people who knew me last year would know.

There’s no yellow leaves left on the tree in front of my windows. This person who wore a blue hoodie with a green bicycle, reminded me of a person. Some people who knew me last year would know.

Fat tabby cat sitting cutely on the mattress of autumn leaves.

Fat tabby cat sitting cutely on the mattress of autumn leaves.

That's a huge streetlight up there. The angle it rose up was different than previously in late summer.

That’s a huge streetlight up there. The angle it rose up was different than previously in late summer.

Couldn’t be greener than that.

I didn’t intend to go so green. I just noticed how “green” I was when Nhung told me yesterday when she saw me at the door. Even my finger nails are green today, ha!

This is the dress which I mentioned before about how it made me feel like I was in an asuh picture. I think it’s more like this one now, but it doesn’t really matter. As long as it’s “asuh picture”, I don’t mind which one. : p

The complete look when I go out, with cardigan and bag and headphones.

Just relaxed. It's quite comfortable sitting there. Soft breeze, soft sunshine, bird singing. My only wish is no one pays attention to me, please.

I was afraid it would be out of focus again if I changed the angle even just slightly (it may easily happen), but it turned out okay. I was absorbing a bit of sunshine. Thinking about the long winter ahead, I miss it already. : p